Sunday, 25 September 2016

Poetry performance

For your homework this week, you have been asked to read some poems (you could use poetry books from home or from the library, or look on the internet: is a good place to start). We would like you to prepare one your favourite poems to perform to the class next week. Please try to learn as much as possible of the poem (at least one verse) off by heart. 
Think about what makes a good poetry performance. The link below will take you to a performance of one of my favourite poems, Macavity The Mystery Cat by T.S. Eliot, performed by Michael Rosen. If you get chance, watch the performance. What makes it a good performance? How can you incorporate some of this into your poetry performance next week?
There are also links to other poetry performances on the side of the BBC page. Watch some of them if you get chance.

                                          Image result for macavity the mystery cat

Friday, 16 September 2016

Welcome to the Hyde Park class blog.

This week's homework:

In this part of the story, Sir Caldor the Brave and Edward the Page have just met the fire dragon. Describe the fire dragon in detail. Try to use expanded noun phrases to help you, for example the dragon’s rancid fiery breath or his razor-sharp teeth.

For any lost or misplaced homework sheets. Copies are available from this link: