Sunday, 25 September 2016

Poetry performance

For your homework this week, you have been asked to read some poems (you could use poetry books from home or from the library, or look on the internet: is a good place to start). We would like you to prepare one your favourite poems to perform to the class next week. Please try to learn as much as possible of the poem (at least one verse) off by heart. 
Think about what makes a good poetry performance. The link below will take you to a performance of one of my favourite poems, Macavity The Mystery Cat by T.S. Eliot, performed by Michael Rosen. If you get chance, watch the performance. What makes it a good performance? How can you incorporate some of this into your poetry performance next week?
There are also links to other poetry performances on the side of the BBC page. Watch some of them if you get chance.

                                          Image result for macavity the mystery cat


  1. My smartphone isn’t very smart

    My smartphone isn’t very smart.
    In fact it’s rather dumb.
    It’s dumber than a doorknob
    Or a piece of gooey gum.

    It used to be awesome
    But now it is so lame.
    It cannot use the internet.
    It can’t play any game.

    It can’t send a message.
    It can’t make a call.
    It’s safe to say my smartphone
    Won’t do anything at all.

    It was not always like this.
    Perhaps you will take a peek.
    I don’t know why it acts like this.
    I charged it just last week!!

  2. Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
    Fillet of a fenny snake,
    In the caldron boil and bake;
    Eye of newt and toe of frog,
    Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
    Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
    Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
    For a charm of powerful trouble,
    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

    Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
    Cool it with a baboon's blood,
    Then the charm is firm and good.

  3. Rubbishy truck enormous ,slow tipping beeping ,scooping picking up rubbish bags rubbish truck

    By Riccardo

  4. Trick or Treat

    walking up the garden path,
    I spy a yummy sweet,
    Halloween is here again,
    Knock, knock - trick or treat

  5. Birthday Boy by Stuart Macfarlane

    Birthday Boy,
    Birthday Boy,
    Broke all his games,
    Trashed all his toys,

    Burst all his birthday balloons,
    Put snails on the cake,
    Hit all his party friends,
    And really made them ache.

    Threw jelly at his sister,
    Causing her to cry,
    Swallowed every birthday card,
    And nobody knows why,

    Messing with the candles,
    He set the cat on fire,
    Then caused his mum to tumble,
    On a secret trip-up wire.

  6. Sunday 2nd October 2016

    Game console
    A game console is a machine that you can play games and log it on the TV. The two most popular consoles are Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's Xbox. Game consoles allow video games to be put inside and taken out. Xbox One, Xbox 360, Play station 4 , Play station 3 and Wii U are all home games.

    A computer is an electronic device which is capable of receiving information (data). A computer is very a useful device . It helps you to solve hard multiplication and do a word documentary. It is like a magic that saves all your work and all the answers pop out off it.

    Vacuum cleaner

    A vacuum cleaner is a device that uses an air pump. It carefully collects dust and small stains from floors and other surfaces. A vacuum cleaner is a very useful machine especially when you are having a party or a celebration.

