Monday, 24 April 2017

Friday, 21 April 2017

A Midsummer Night's Dream

This week we have been reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.

We have looked at some of Shakespeare’s language in class and discussed some of the words that he invented, such as honorificabilitudinitatibus.
For your homework this week, we would like you to invent three words of your own, with definitions.

For example:
·         You could merge two or more existing words into a new word. For example the word chortle, came from chuckle and snort- a snorting laugh.
·         If you know some words from another language you could combine them with English words to create a new word.
·         If you have a younger brother or sister, you might want to listen to their babbling and see if you can create a word from the noises they make.
·         You could create an onomatopoeia by listening to sounds around you.

·         You could add prefixes or suffixes onto existing words. For example you could say zebrification-the process of becoming a zebra.

     Write your three words with their definitions below. I can't wait to see what you come up with!


  1. Chokeabreadalotious
    Means that you choked on some bread or sandwich.

    Means you are happy and awesome at the same time

    Means that you plant a plant and it grows

    1. Icecho
      Means you love ice cream and chocolate.

      Means you are cool and epic.

      Means the sun and the bush.

  2. MY word is mid-sun-a bed = Midnight summer dream.
    The next one is honorificabilitudintatibus
    =horrific ability( and then a sentence)

    you have to belief in your heart no matter what.

    Truth your self even if you get bullied or if someone hurts you.

  3. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

    Cig: A cow and a pig.

    squab: squirrel and crab.

    shores: shark and horse.


  4. My first creative word is:
    "Choclicious" means chocolates delicious
    My next word is:
    Paralelepípedo anyone could be free to guess what this word means
    And the last word is:
    Just-a-baby means Justin Bieber

  5. My own words
    Fif: football is fun
    Yowothworkipoefthcentawar: (Yowoth-worki- peofth- centa-war) you’ve won the world’s kindest person of the year awards.
    Amunir: A Midsummer Night's Dream
    Dimfs: Dodge ball is my favourite sport
    Rais: Rhombus is a shape
    Somluyb: Scared of monsters living under your bed?
    Gife: female / girl
    Boma: male / boy
    Befainthun: Best father in the universe
    Bemointhun: Best mother in the universe

  6. ilvgops4: i love video games on PlayStation4
    waf: we are footballers
    cod: call of duty
    lol: league of legends
    iasag: i am so amazing
    icttapitwsybwofgttys: i can teleport to any place the word so you better watch out for ghosts to take your soul

  7. SpongeBob: (I'm bored, and I can not go to work because Mr. Krab banned me ... Wonder why? We always have to pay him when we leave the duties) : D
    Garry: Miauuuuuu ...
    Spongebob: Oh Garry if you could talk we would do a lot of things, lots of stuff.
    Patrick knocking at Spongebob
    Spongebob: (curious who it is ...) I met Patrick what brings you here?
    Patrick: Eeeeee ...? eeeeeee
    Spongebob: Forget this question and come on jellyfish!
    Patrick: Sorry Spongebob but I did not come to the party!
    Spongebob: Then why?
    Patrick: To go to the krabby Patty.
    SpongeBob: Sorry Patrick but an not, our bar is closed i am also baffled because i'm bored ...
    Patrick: I'm hungry old man ... I'll eat you!
    Spongebob: Really?
