Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 30.06.2017



Please write in your reading diary when you have read. You will have been allocated a Bug Club book to read at home, which will be different to the one that you are reading in school. Check with your teacher if you are not sure which one is which. Don’t forget to answer the ‘bugs’- look out for them on each page! Please don’t “close” the book until all the bugs have been answered.


Maths (20mins):

This week we have been using the four operations of number and solving word problems involving money. You have been set work on Mathletics to help you to practise this.

Please also practise your times tables and division facts up to 12x12.





Next week you will be writing your own ‘Pupil Reports’. Over the weekend, we would like you to think about the following questions. You may make notes if you wish, but you do not have to-just make sure that you are ready to write next week.


  • What have been your successes in Maths, Literacy, Science and Computing?
  • What are your goals for next year?
  • What are your personal qualities?
  • What are your interests outside of school?




Spellings (20mins)

These should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.

You need to:

 • look at each word

• say the word

• copy the word in first space

• cover the words and try to write it from memory

• check to see if they are right

Over the next few weeks, we will be revising words from the National Curriculum spelling list for Year 3 and 4. As these are words that you all need to know, there will only be one spelling list.
















Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again


  1. My successes in maths are that I can work out the perimeter of any shape and to be able to work out volume and mass.
    My successes in literacy are that I can use a structure of a poem of my own and to write a story without guidelines.
    My successes in science are that I can explain the water cycle process in my own words and to say the human digestion in my own words.
    My successes in ICT are that I can create an html page or website using playto and edit and improve a wikispaces wiki page.
    My goals for year 5 are to behave well and listen better than in year 4 and try harder to get better marks and scores and to concentrate hard to get better results than this year. That I understand the topic of the lesson.
    My qualities are that I tell the truth and that I can be honest in any situation and if I don’t understand I will find help so I do. I revise in tests and practise even if it a surprise test an I never don’t do my homework and I have neat small handwriting most of the time joined up.
    My interests outside of school are baking, computing, swimming, watching TV, trampolining and gymnastics. I go to a swimming club and I watch TV, work on the computer, bake and swim. I also go to Piano lessons that teach me how to play the piano as I have one at home.
    Hi Adarsh Go on Wikispaces and I real miss you I will tell you our class and teacher when we know

  2. My success in maths is everything except perimeter of shape and chunking. In literacy I can do everything. My interests outside of school are dance and piano. I would like to improve on science and ICT.
