Friday, 20 October 2017

Year 4 Homework Autumn 6
Date set: 20.10.2017
Date Due in: 3.11.2017
-      Reading every day. Please write in your reading diary when you have read.
Read your Bug Club book and complete associated activities.
-      Maths (20mins): Our topic this week is division. Homework will be posted on the mathletics website. Please ask your teacher for a paper copy if you need one or if you have trouble logging on.
-      Times tables. I need to learn my __x table.
-      Blogging (20mins): In science we have been looking at teeth and eating.

This week we would like you to write about the different types of teeth  and their functions in humans (you could also write about other animals) and how to look after them.

Links to useful websites:

You are expected to write at least three paragraphs for this homework. If you type your work in Microsoft word first, it should be at least 250 words.
Try to include the features of an explanation text:
o   Present tense
o   Paragraphs
o   Time adverbials eg. next, after, finally
o   Cause and effect conjunctions and adverbials eg. if, so, because, however

-      Spellings (20mins) should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.
You need to:
 • look at each word
• say the word
• copy the word in first space
• cover the words and try to write it from memory
• check to see if they are right
• then cover, write and check again

Group 1
Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again










Group 2
Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again













  1. Our teeth are very different. Canines Your four canines (fangs) are the next type of teeth to develop. These are your sharpest teeth and are used for ripping and tearing food apart. Did you know that your teeth are as unique as you finger prints.
    Incisors are the eight teeth in the front of your mouth (four on top and four on bottom). These teeth help you bite and chew.
    Molars are also used for chewing and grinding food. The permanent molars (also four upper and four lower) do not replace any primary teeth, but come in behind all of them, further back in the jaw.
    Premolars are used for chewing and grinding food. Adults have four premolars on each side of their mouths — two on the upper and two on the lower jaw.
    The third molars are commonly known as wisdom teeth. Some people never develop third molars at all.


  2. Teeth and what they are used for.
    Canines are strong and pointed for tearing food. For example you might use them to tear off a piece of tough meat. They are like vampire teeth!

    Molars are broad and flat on top for crushing and grinding food. For example you might use them to grind up hard food like nuts.

    Incisors are sharp, blade-like tool for cutting food. For example, you might use them to bite into an apple.

    Pre-molars share features of both canines and molars. For example, you might use them for tearing and grinding at the same time.

    Humans brush or floss their teeth and gums to make sure they are clean and free from any food being stuck on them.
    Animals such as cats chew on grass as a floss and brush to make sure their teeth and gums are healthy.

  3. Teeth are used for chomping down food to go and eventually go down to your butt.

    You have 8 incisors it's sharp like a knife it splits your food like your chopping a carrot and then it goes to the canines.

    Canines are like shark teeth they rip and tear so it can be easy for the molar.

    Premolars tear and grind the exact same time as the canines whilst the canines do their job.

    Molars grind the food there very flat like walls but on the floor. The molars even crush the food so it can easily go down to the stomach so it can go down the butt.

    Remember to brush your teeth so they can stay healthy for you so you don't get black and disgusting teeth and floss to so you could be healthy.

    By soleiman

  4. Teeth and why you need them!


    At the front of the mouth there are eight thin,straight teeth
    that are called incisors-there are four at the top and four at the bottom,wich bite into the food you eat and help you pronounce
    words as you speak,but did you know that the incisors
    also suport your lips.


    On each side of the upper and lower incisors is a single canine
    tooth,making four in total.
    Dentists call these slightly pointed teeth cuspids,and like incisors,
    they cut or shear food and support the lips.
    Another function of the canines is to help guide all the teeth into place when the upper and the lower jaw come together.


    behinde the canines are the premolars,or,as dentist call them,the Bicuspids.Premolars have flattened top,and are used to chew
    food and maintain the height of the face.There are eight premolars
    in a adult's mouth four on the top and four on the bottom.


    They are used for grinding food,like a nut or a seed.
    Molars are the last teeth and there are twelve of them
    so there are six at the top and six at the bottom.

    From Ksenia

  5. The human teeth
    The type of human teeth are the: incisors, canines, pre- molars, molars and third molars. Every human has eight incisors which are used for biting and chewing. You also have four canines which are used for ripping meat. You have four pre-molars, eight molars and four third molars which grind and chew. There are three main teeth which are incisors, canines and molars. Human has two sets of teeth ,baby teeth which can has a maximum of twenty teeth and will start to fall out at the age of six leaving space for the next set of teeth. The adult teeth grow out of the space from the baby teeth and are permanent you can have a maximum of thirty-two adult teeth.
    How to take care of our teeth:
    You can take care of them by brushing your teeth twice daily. Once after you wake up and the other time before you sleep with toothpaste and a toothbrush. A good tooth paste most has fluoride because fluoride fighting bacteria and protect our teeth from damage although too much used of fluoride is not very good. use it but not too much! Don’t have too much sugar or your teeth will rot. Don’t smoke otherwise you are going to discolored your teeth. Don’t have too much fizzy drinks because it carries acid which makes lots of wholes.
    The herbivore teeth
    An herbivore has incisors, pre-molar, molars, third molars but no canines
    The carnivore teeth
    A carnivore has incisors, canines, but sometimes pre-molars, molars and third molars

  6. Teeth are hard organs which are situated in the oral cavity (mouth).

    Human and animals have many different types of teeth.
    Our teeth will change with age, so the teeth we have when we are babies are not the same as adult’s teeth.

    Milk (baby teeth) are first set of teeth to grow. They start growing between 6 and 10 months of age. A child will have around 20 baby teeth by the time he or she is three years old.
    Do you know the importance of Baby Teeth?

    - They guide the developing permanent teeth into the right position.
    - They help childs to be weaned
    - They help with speech development and facial tissues and jaw formation

    Baby teeth should begin to fall out by the age of six, leaving space for adult teeth to grow. An adult can grow up to 32 permanent teeth.

    There are four main types of teeth which are classified according to their shape and structure. They all have specific functions related to the activity of eating.
    - Incisors – these are the four front teeth in each arch. They have sharp, thin edges to cut food into smaller parts.

    - Canines – they are present next to the four incisors. They are sharply pointed in shape and are meant to deal with tough food like meat.

    - Premolars – they are present next to canine teeth. There are eight premolars in total, with four on each jaw. Those are bigger and stronger than incisors and canines. They have ridges which assist them in crushing and grinding food.

    - Molars – they are similar to premolars but tend to be wider and stronger then premolars and they have more ridges. They assist in swallowing of food. there are four molars in each jaw.

    - Third molars (wisdom teeth) – these are additional molars situated all the way in the back of the mouth, one in each corner.

    It is very important to look after our teeth because tooth decay and cavities can cause a lot of pain and discomfort to everyone. However a good oral hygiene, a balanced diet and regular visits to the dentist can prevent and protect teeth against decay caused by plaque.
    Plaque is a sticky film formed on our teeth after eating and drinking . It contains bacteria that turns sugar and carbohydrates into acid, then acid attacks teeth, later causing tooth decay that leads to cavities, gum diseases and finally loss of teeth.
    This is why we MUST brush our teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day for about two minutes to help keep our teeth and mouth healthy.

  7. Adult teeth , by the age 10-11 or 12-14 most chilren have lost all there ( milk teeth) and have there adult teeth grown there. There are 32 adult teeth. There are for types of teeth like:
    Incisors- these are your front teeth n the top and bottom your jaw. The incisors are used for cutting and chopping food in your mouth.
    Canine- this type of teeth are little bit sharp and pointy teeth. You have one of each side of your incisors on the top and the bottom jaw, making a total of four. Canine teeth they help you to tear food in your mouth.
    Premolars- this type of teeth are next to your canine teeth.You have eight premolars in total. Four on your top and four on the bottom jaw. They are bigger and wider then your incisors and canine teeth. Also they are used for crushing food.
    Molars- you have eight molars, four on the top and four on the bottom of your jaw. These are the strongest teeth and work with your tonge to help you to swollow food.It mushes the food until it is ready to be swallowed safetly.You must brush your teeth 2 Times a day, morning and whe you are going to bed.If you wash your teeth twise a day , your teeth will be whiter, cleaner, healter and stronger.

  8. The are 4 types of teeth: incisors, canines,premolars and molars. Incisors help you bite food.They are flat sharp teeth.Canines are flat sharp pointy teeth and are responsible for tearing food.You have 4 canines. Premolars are used for crushing and grinding food.They are strong and wide with ridges also have 8 premolars.your molars are for chewing and grinding .You have 12 molars.Molars are wider than premolars.Third molars come out when you are 17 to 25 years old and they are called wisdom teeth.

    Your tooth has two main parts .The visible part is called the crown and the invisible part (covered with gum) is called the root. The crown is covered by enamel witch is a very tough substance and acts as a tooth 's personal bodyguard. Dentin makes up the largest part of the tooth.Dentin protects the biggest part of the tooth witch is called the pulp. Inside the pulp are nerves and blood vessels, which supply nutrients to the tooth. The last part is cementum which makes up the root of the tooth.

    To treet your teeth brush them in a circular motions in the morning and bedtime With toothpaste with fluoride. You can use dental floss to clean in between.

  9. Your type of teeth and what they do!

    Canines your Canines are the sharpest teeth you have out of all the other teeth you have. They are occasionally used for shredding and ripping really tough dishes like bone and cartilage.

    Everyone has 4 incisors your incisors are the first four teeth you have right at the front of the mouth. Your incisors are used for chewing your food into smaller pieces so you don't choke.

    Everyone has 4 Molars, your molars are right at the back of your mouth. Your molars are normally used for crushing and grinding your food which also makes your food easier to chew it.

  10. Post this instead of Original

    Herbivores teeth


    Herbivores have teeth that are highly specialized for eating plants. Because plant matter is often difficult to break down the molars of herbivores are wider and flatter designed to grind food and aid in digestion. Herbivore incisors are sharp for tearing plants but they may not be present on both the upper and lower jaw. White tail deer are a perfect example of an herbivore that has only lower incisors and a rigid upper jaw that assists in the tearing of plants. Many animals such as horses and cows have jaws that are capable of moving sideways. Elephants are herbivores and their incisors are unlike those found in other animals.
    Fun Fact

    Odd as it may
    sound a tusk is actually a tooth an incisor that has evolved into a different type of tool often used for defence.

    Types of teeth in Herbivores

    The types of teeth in Herbi-vores consist of the molars, incisors, premolars, horny pad and diastema. Here are the functions:

    Molars: Chew food like Premolars on bottom and top second last types of teeth before throat

    Premolars: Chew food same purpose as Molars on bottom and top last type of teeth before throat

    Incisors: Bite food only on bottom first type of teeth before throat

    Horny pad: Pad of hard skin on the top in mouth above Incisors

    Diastema: Gap between teeth


  11. Human Teeth: Avish

    Our teeth are very important because we use them to chew our food. Without them we wouldn’t be able to eat anything and our gums would just be flat and it would probably hurt if we tried to eat on our bare gums. The different types of teeth are; molars, canines, pre-molars, incisors. All these types of teeth have different jobs.

    Your four canines are the next set of teeth to develop. People often refer to them as “fangs”. These are your sharpest teeth and are used for ripping food apart.

    incisors are the eight teeth in the front of your mouth, four at the top and the four at the bottom. Incisors help rip food and chew the food down.

    Molars help crush and grind food down and they are big and strong because they have another job which is chewing some leftover food on a bone or a stick so they basically crush food down to tiny pieces.

    Premolars are used for crushing and tearing food like meat.

  12. Human Teeth: Avish

    Our teeth are very important because we use them to chew our food. Without them we wouldn’t be able to eat anything and our gums would just be flat and it would probably hurt if we tried to eat on our bare gums. The different types of teeth are; molars, canines, pre-molars, incisors. All these types of teeth have different jobs.

    Your four canines are the next set of teeth to develop. People often refer to them as “fangs”. These are your sharpest teeth and are used for ripping food apart.

    incisors are the eight teeth in the front of your mouth, four at the top and the four at the bottom. Incisors help rip food and chew the food down.

    Molars help crush and grind food down and they are big and strong because they have another job which is chewing some leftover food on a bone or a stick so they basically crush food down to tiny pieces.

    Premolars are used for crushing and tearing food like meat.

  13. Carnivores


    Carnivores have teeth that are special for munching and tearing apart meat. The carnivore's have the only teeth that can break apart the meat. The only reason why the carnivores have sharp daggered teeth because if the carnivores had the herbivores teeth then the carnivores will have a hard time eating there food and maybe they can't even eat there food.

    The types of teeth the carnivores have

    The canines: The canines rip apart the meat.

    The incisor: The incisor tears the meat so they can also pull out the meat.

    Your teeth are a very useful part of your body. They help you break down your food. They are a very important part of your digestive system. Did you know you have 32 teeth in your mouth?
    Incisive Incisors
    You have eight incisors in your mouth. These teeth help with biting of food. They are usually the first teeth to erupt.
    Keen Canines
    You have 4 canines in your mouth. These are the sharpest teeth and are used for ripping and tearing food. Primary canines usually appear between sixteen to twenty months, with the upper canine coming just before the lower canines. In permanent teeth, the order is reversed with lower canine’s erupting around age 9 and the uppers arriving between ages 11 and 12.
    Powerful Premolars
    Premolars are used for chewing and grinding food. Adults have 4 premolars on the side of their mouth. There are no primary premolars, the first premolars grow at age 10 and the second premolars arrive a year later.
    Mighty Molars
    Molars are also used for chewing and grinding food. Primary molars also known as delicious molars appear between 12 to 28 months, and are replaced by the first and the second premolars (four upper and four lower).
    Last but not the least…
    Wisdom teeth (Third Molars)
    A wisdom tooth or third molar is one of the three molars per quadrant of the human dentition. It is the most posterior of the three. Wisdom teeth generally erupt between the ages of seventeen and twenty five. Most adults have four wisdom teeth, one in each of the four quadrants, but it is possible to have fewer or more, in which case the extras are called supernumerary teeth. Wisdom teeth commonly affect other teeth as they develop, becoming impacted. They are often extracted when or even before this occur.

    By Neha

  15. There are 4 types of teeth in our mouth. Their names are: Incisors, Canines, Premolars and Molars. They have their own functions.
    The Incisors are the teeth which are at the front of the mouth. They have a sharp biting surface. There function is to cut and shear the food. There are 8 Incisors in our mouth.
    Canines are at the corners of the dental arches. They have a sharp, pointy surface. Their function is to grip and tear the food. There are 4 Canines in our mouth.
    Then, we have the Premolars. The Premolars, alike the Incisors and Canines have a flat surface. Their function is to tear and crush the food. There are 4 of them in our mouth.
    And we have the Molars that have a sharp, flat surface. Their function is to cut, tear and crush the food There are 4 of them in our mouth.
    Now, I am going to tell you how to take care of your teeth. This is what you should do to keep your teeth clean and safe: Brush your teeth twice a day
    Drink less sugary drinks
    Visit your Dentist twice a year
    Do not brush your teeth too hard
    If you have any dental issues see your dentist immediately.

  16. I have decided to write✍ about animal teeth and to make it a bit of fun I did research some amazing facts that I never knew and I wanted to share with you.

    10 Fun Facts About Animal Teeth!

    The animal kingdom is a fascinating place full of wonder and mystique! From caterpillars reforming their bodies within cocoons, to monkeys that dive for fish, animals are truly fantastic creatures. As interesting as animals are, their teeth are even more intriguing. Below are some of favourite facts about animal teeth!

    1 – ��Sharks lose A LOT of teeth. Sharks’ teeth are positioned in rows within their mouths, and as the rows move forward, new teeth push older ones out. They usually lose at least one tooth per week! At that rate, a human would be toothless in 32 weeks!

    2 –�� Elephant tusks are actually a set of teeth that never stop growing! Some think that they are elongated canine teeth, but they’re actually extra long incisors.

    3 – Giraffes and humans have the same amount of teeth – 32. However, giraffes have no upper front teeth, and most of their teeth are actually molars in the back of their mouths.

    4 –�� Frogs have teeth, but toads do not. However, both amphibians swallow their food whole!

    5 – ��Rabbits, squirrels and rodents have teeth that never stop growing, which is why they chew on tough foods like nuts, leaves and bark. It helps wear down their teeth and keep them from growing too long.

    6 – Mosquitos actually have 47 teeth! They are so small that they cannot be seen without magnification.

    7 – A lot of herbivorous animals like cows �� and �� sheep don’t have incisors. These animals use their lips to cut their food, and then process it normally.

    8 – A horse’s �� teeth are massive and weigh more than its brain.

    9 – Snails �� have over 25,000 microscopic teeth on their tongues!

    10 – You can uncover a dolphin’s �� age by counting the rings in its teeth, much like you can determine the age of a tree!

  17. There are two sets of teeth in our life. We have baby teeth (milk teeth) and as we grow elder we have adult teeth (permanent teeth).Milk teeth grow when we are 6 months old and fall out at the age of 6-7 years old. There are only 20 milk teeth for a child. An adult has 32 teeth including wisdom teeth.

    Human beings have three main teeth which are Canines, Incisors and the Molars which helps to chew the food. Incisors are little pointed teeth which helps to bite and chew food then, next Canines are sharp teeth which in further helps to tear and rip food and after that pre-molars and molars are flat teeth in upper and lower jaws which helps to grind and crush the food. Finally the food is swallowed for further process of digestion.

    Animals that eat only meat are called carnivores. Animals that eat only plants are called herbivores. Carnivores and herbivores have different types of teeth, to suit the type of food they eat. Carnivores animals have Incisors and Canines to bite, tear and chew the food. Herbivores Diastema, Incisors, premolar & molars which help them to chew there food.

    We should take care about our teeth. We should avoid sugary juices, soft drinks, chocolates as it will develop plaque on our teeth, however will lead to gum diseases and tooth decay. We should brush our teeth twice a day. We should visit the dentist for regular check-up so that he can provide a proper treatment if required. Keeping our teeth clean is very important to avoid disease and infection, help you chew food, and to have a bright, healthy and smart smile.


  18. Today Iam going to write about teeth. I will tell you How many types of teeth there are in our mouth and their functioning.
    So here us the list of oyr teeth.

    1.Incisors:They are at the front of our mouth having a sharp biting surface and are used for cutting or shearing food into small chewable pieces.there are eight incisors in both primary and permanant dentitions.

    2.The Canines:These are situated at the corners of the dental arches.they have a sharp,pointed biting surface.Their function is to grip and tear food.There are four types of canine teeth in both primary and permanant dentitions.

    3.The Premolars:Unlike the incisors and canines,have a flat biting surface.Their function is to tear and crush food.They are unique to the permanant dentition which has eight premolars.

    4.The Molars:They are the largest of all the teeth.They have a large flat biting surface.The function of the molars is to chew,crush and grind food.There are eight molars in the primary dentition and twelve in the permanant dentition.
