Friday, 17 November 2017

Year 4 Homework

Date set: 17.11.17

Date Due in: 24.11.17

Reading (every day)

Please write in your reading diary when you have read.


Maths (20mins):

Our topic this week is time. Maths homework will be posted on the Mathletics website. Please also practise reading the time to the nearest minute with your child (using an analogue clock face). You could also practise converting between analogue and digital and 12 and 24 hour clock. Try to work out timings e.g. how long until we have to leave for school, how long did it take us to get here etc.

Please also practise your times tables. I need to practise my ____ x table.


Literacy (20mins):

Is learning to swim important?

Newsround Article (10th November 2015)

Almost half of children leaving primary school can't swim well enough according to a report by the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA).

The ASA say that children should be able to swim the National Curriculum standard of 25 metres without any help before they reach secondary school.

But many schools say that getting you guys to the baths and back again without taking up too much of the school day is a real struggle.

We are lucky enough to have swimming lessons at school.  Not all children learn to swim at school.  Do you think it is important?  Try to come up with three arguments for (reasons why children should go swimming in school time) and three arguments against (reasons why children should not go swimming in school time). Try to write at least 2 sentences for each reason (one to give your reason and one to explain it). This means you should write 12 sentences in total. 

Spellings (20mins)

Should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.




Group 1

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again


Group 2

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again



  1. Swimming is good but not just amusing it is important because if someone needs help you can help/save them.
    Swimming is an important sport because not only does it get you strong but you will get healthier.
    Swimming is good if you can swim but if you try something do not assume you know it if you have not tried.

  2. swimming is fun exept one thing drowning beacause many people drown
    they start to paninc. but good news is if you want to learn to swim ask an adult or if your an adult ask a swimming pro adult to help
    and remember always tell someone you trust to help someone if there drowning. by aimen

  3. Swimming is extremely important because if someone is drowning you can save them if you know how to swim! Swimming can keep you fit and healthy because you use your arms and legs to glide along the water. A safety tip is if you are going to swim in the sea always make sure a related person is with you and that they can also swim. It doesn’t have to be a related person as long as you trust the person. If you are young about 8,9 year old the floor of the sea might be deep and you drown!

  4. Reasons for and against why swimming is important in school time

    There are plenty of reasons why swimming is important in school time.
    The 3 most important reasons are:
    -To learn a lifelong skill
    Learning how to swim when we are young allows us to have a lifelong skill, that learnt once will never be forgotten but it can always be improved.
    -To help prevent drowning
    Swimming is the only sport that can save life so it’s important to know how to swim and be prepared to help our self or someone else in case we accidentally fall into water.
    -To be healthy
    Swimming is great activity that helps to keep our heart healthy and our muscle strong.

    There are only few reasons why we should not learn how to swim in school time.
    -It takes our lunch break
    Travel to and from swimming pool and the lesson take more then an hour and we loose 45 minutes out of our play time.
    -It can cause infections
    During cold season it is easy to get cold. When we don’t dry up properly and we go out with wet hair and water in our ears we may land up with infection
    -It can upset children
    Not every child can swim and they may become upset when others are having fun in deep water.

  5. Swimming is good for you, because it is a good activity to stay healthy. Swimming is a good skill to know incase one day you fall into the water, you would be able to save yourself. It is a bed idea to go swimming during school hours because, if someone is ill other kids could also get ill. Swimming can be not good when someone has a fear of swimming or if you have not happy memories of swimming.Kids can not swimming when they have a medical problem.Swimming during school hours is a bed idea because it is unhygienic as you have to continue your school day without taking a proper shower.

  6. In my opinion I think swimming is important because if you know how to swim you can help others when there in danger and helping others is really good also if your friend doesn't know how to swim you can help then your friend will learn to swim if anyone teaches him.You could be a life guard if you know how to swim then you could save people you don't know.

  7. I think swimming is good because it helps be fit and it make you muscles work better. if you see someone drowning you can save them. swimming might be hard but once you get the hang it you can. you can teach other people swimming is one of my favirate sport after running and flying swimming also helps whith other sport on water like suffing because if you drown you up to the suface

  8. I think swimming is good for you because you develop. You develop strenght in your muscles.

    Another reason is that swimming is fun. You do activities and play games in water which helps you to enjoy it.

    The last reason is that if you learn how to swim you can save your life . You can also save someone else's life.


    I think swimming at school is bad for us. It waists our play and lunch time .

    On the other hand it waists our education time . We could have learn more if we didn't go for swimming .

    Finally when we have swimming we have to have extra bag for swimming kit. Extra bag can be heavy and damage our back.

  9. It’s good to swim because when you are moving your muscles and bones you are stretching, them and making them stronger.
    When you swim a lot you get fitter, hellfire and better at it. Swimming makes you want to do more activities or you might want to swim for the rest of your life.
    The thing about swimming is that your so hungry when you leave the place. The other thing is that it is quite hard to swim.
    When you leave and if you have a bumpy ride on the way back and you are hydrated you will feel ill.

    BY Avish

  10. Is learning to swim important?
    Learning to swim is very important because if there was a flooding you can swim and save peoples lives!!!

    Also, it gives you muscles and strength!!!

    Finally, it helps with your breathing and stamina.

    It is not important because it wastes a lot of time.

    Also you have to rush eating which can cause severe tummy aches.

    Finally, you can get a verruca and infections like flus, colds and athletes foot.

  11. We will be debating if swimming is important and why it’s not important.
    Swimming is important because it gives your muscles a workout which helps you gain strength and stamina.
    Also swimming is important because it will prevent you from drowning and help your confidence while swimming in open water.
    Finally, if you want to be an effective swimmer you have to learn the skill to swim.

    I think swimming can increase a risk of death if you are not adept at swimming. It can cause injuries and cramps if you do not swim correctly, hence why without practice it can be dangerous. Many people have asthma which can make it difficult for them to swim without straining themselves.

    Since swimming isn’t for everyone, it has its positives and negatives.

    from Yusuf

  12. Swimming is benefical in this regard not only because it can provide an aerobic workout,but also because by the water builds
    muscle,wich helps with blood sugar control.
    Some other reaserch has shone that swimming and water
    exercise programs can help people with lower blood

    Swimming is a bit bad because it looses some of are lunch time and
    are learning time.
    If we did not go swimming we could have learnt so many
    other things like,since.
    Swimming can also be bad because you can if you can't
    hold your breath for about five minutes,you can


  13. You should swim at school because increases your body strength good for your body. You should swim at school because it makes kids (children) very healthy. You should swim at school because it could save your life one day.

    Children shouldn't swim at school because other schools don't even have swimming lessons. Children shouldn't swim because some children are scared of water.You shouldn't swim at school because the water can be very cold and when we get back at school we can still feel cold.

    1. WOW good points there well done sylas


  14. Advantages of swimming lessons in school.

    - Parents might not have time or money to attend at swimming lessons.
    Some families couldn’t afford the cost of swimming lessons so it is a good opportunity to learn how to swim.

    - Swimming is an important life-long and life-saving skill.
    Once learnt it will never be forgotten and it can save someone’s life or your own from drowning.

    - Swimming is a good way to stay healthy.
    Swimming fights obesity and burns calories, it keeps your body structure in the right posture.

    Disadvantages of swimming lessons in school.

    - Swimming lessons in school shortens lunch time.
    Lunch times are only thirty minutes and children have to eat and play during that time, it conflicts with lunch time.

    - The possibility of catching a disease.
    If the children don’t dry their bodies properly after swimming, they could catch flu or they could catch warts because they use the same pool.

    - It makes the children exhausted.
    The school day is long and tiring and the swimming lessons make the children tiered and stops them from being able to fully focus on their education.

  15. 1. I think swimming is good and it is the most entertainable type of sport . Because, when you go to a deep sea you will never drown or even may safe someone's life.

    2. It is a great exercise for your body, because you can get stronger also hold your breath for few minutes when you practice swimming .

    3. I love swimming and swimming lessons. We do have lots of fun and I like to splash in water and I love water games and my favorite is flumes.

    1. I'll say swimming is dangerous too, because you can drown or get very frightened.

    2. Also I think swimming in pools is bad for some people as they can get allergy of chlorine,like me and it is getting very itchy after swimming.

    3. And at last if you don't dry yourself properly after swimming ,especially your hair and ears you might get ill.


  16. Should children go swimming in school or not?

    Many swimming teachers are concerned that students leaving primary school cannot swim 25 metres on their own.

    Children should go swimming school because it is important and you can save someone’s life.
    You should go swimming because you can participate in the Olympics. If you are really good you can win a competition and win a medal for your country.
    Swimming is good form of exercise. You burn more calories in water than you would do while running/walking.

    Swimming is a waste of learning time. You waste 2 hours on swimming instead of studying.
    The chlorine added to the water in the pool is harmful for your skin. It damages your skin, makes it irritable and sometimes causes stinginess in your eyes.
    You can catch infections from the pool water. If someone sneezes the bacteria/virus travel in the water and can enter your body quite quickly.

    I think going to swimming in school is important because you burn more calories.

    By Neha

  17. Why children should go swimming in school time?

    Children should go swimming in school time because that can be their only opportunity to learn how to swim. Children's parents work every day, so they have little spare time to bring their children to swimming classes.

    Children should go swimming as a part of school curriculum because it is a very important skill that will keep them safe in their lifetime. At school we learn many interesting things and we learn how to be safe on the road and how to prepare foods so we should be learning how to swim too.

    Swimming during school time is a good idea because not everyone can afford to pay for swimming classes. If children learn how to swim in school there is better chance that more children will become a good swimmers because otherwise they would not go to swim classes.


    I think firstly teaching children how to swim in school is a waste of time because most of children will not learn at the end.
    Many people are being silly and not listening to the instructor and they don't learn at all.

    Secondly they shouldn't go swimming in school time because they might get sick of not drying themselves properly. They might not know how to dry themselves well or they will be silly.

    The last reason that children shouldn't go swimming as a part of school program is that people might pee ... it is very disgusting.


  18. Save Life

    Drowning is the one of the most common cause of accidental death in children. If a child knows swimming, it will help to save the life of child. So swimming is essential lifesaving skill.

    Best Exercise

    Swimming is great workout for heart, lung and tone our muscle and intensely burn of many calories of our entire body. It gives strength and increase the stamina.

    Appreciation to school

    Free swimming lessons helps children to learn the best activity whose parents cannot afford it .The school team really does a great job by taking children safely and as well as proper guidelines to them.


    Fun time

    Coach cannot concentrate on large group of children. Children take an advantage of same and do fun game in the pool.


    Swimming pool has chlorine water, some of children are allergic to it. If they don’t take a proper shower or wipe there body properly there would be rashes on the body.


    Children loose energy after swimming and can’t concentrate on lessons in school as well as after reaching home they become restless.


  19. Is swimming lessons in school hours good or bad?


    Swimming in school time is good because it could be classed as physical education. So we get PE twice a week.

    Swimming is a part of learning and the teachers take us for free. I have to pay to go swimming on the weekend.

    Having swimming lessons is like outdoor learning. The same way we have to bring in our Wellington boots, instead we bring in our swimming shorts and hats.


    Swimming in school hours takes away time from more important subjects. By not swimming you can cover a whole topic.

    The money that has been spent on school swimming trips could be spent on school outings and equipment or spend it on cookery lessons instead.

    Some children are forced to swim but some people are scared of water or are allergic to chlorine. Others may be excited to swim but some others may be dreading it.

  20. Should you not go to swim and why you can go to swimming!
    Many people argue that you should not go to swimming. I am going to show you why you can go to swimming and why you should not go to swimming. Should you not go to swimming or you do?
    Firstly, you should not go to swimming because you can acutely get sick. The reason why you would get sick is because you have been in the water for too long.
    Another reason, is that you can die by drowning. You can drown because the water might be too tall for you and you might slip and land on the place where


    Firstly, if you do not see and bang your head on the wall you would heart your head. You sometimes want think properly when you are doing you work.
    Another reason, you will get you’st of the water and swim faster.
    I think that you should go for swimming because it will help you.
