Friday, 8 June 2018

Year 4 Homework
Date set: 08.06.2018
Date Due:15.06.2018

Please write in your reading diary when you have read. You will have been allocated a Bug Club book to read at home, which will be different to the one that you are reading in school. Check with your teacher if you are not sure which one is which. Don’t forget to answer the ‘bugs’- look out for them on each page! Please don’t “close” the book until all the bugs have been answered.

Maths (20mins):
You have been set some work on Mathletics to revise some of the topics that we have covered this term. The topics set will depend on what your teacher thinks you need to revise.
Please also practise your times tables and division facts up to 12x12.


As part of our science topic on habitats we visit Crane Park Nature Reserve to study the habitats there in some detail.
For homework we would like you to carry out some research about what life you would expect to find in a stream.

                            Image result for stream habitat animals
On the blog write about the animals you may expect to find (or did find) and how they fit into a food chain within the habitat.

Spellings (20mins)
These should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.
You need to:
 • look at each word
• say the word
• copy the word in first space
• cover the words and try to write it from memory
• check to see if they are right
This week we are looking at the ious suffix.

Group 1

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again










Group 2

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again













  1. At a stream you would find a frog which will be hoping around swimming or catching flies. A frog is a possible secondary consumer if the fly is the primary consumer.

  2. Rivers and streams
    Rivers and streams, burns, brooks and springs – the names are varied but the flora and fauna all have to cope with the same thing: water that flows continuously in one direction. If you live here you need a way to avoid being washed downstream and ultimately into the sea. Plants and animals have to be able to cling on, hide away from the flow or swim against the current.

  3. What animals would you expect to see in a stream?

    I think you would see catfish which are fish which make sure that the water is clean and they make sure the population of the fish is not to big or not to small.

    Minnows are known as little fish however they can grow really large in their natural habitat. They can differ into other streams.

    They are not good swimmers but they are experts in hiding and camouflage.

    They are tiny fish which are usually spotted thanks to distinctive spikes along their body

  4. I think these would be found in the stream and a part of the food chain:

    It would start of with things like slugs, wood lice, flies, baby shrimp and baby salmon being eaten by spiders, dung beetles, stag beetles, and baby fish. Those would be eaten by lizards,frogs, and water snakes. Then lastly those would be eaten by bigger fish, and ducks.

  5. I expected to find animals such as toads,frogs bullhead fish and shrimp etc: on the trip I realised that bullhead fish has little coloured fins on the side of it and that it camouflages
    very well with its natural environment.I also found shrimp at crane park shrimp beautiful animals with their colourful body.They gave me shock because I didn't expect to see shrimp.

    1.) Woodlouse: Woodlouses main predators are shrew,spiders,toads and centipedes

    2.) Stag Beetle: stag beetles main Predators are rats, foxes ,rodents, dogs, cats, and bats

    3.) Centipedes: centipedes, main Predators are shrews, toads,badgers, foxes, domestic chickens, ground beetles, ants, and spiders

    4.)grasshopper: grasshopper birds, rodents,skunk,spiders,also horsehair worms

  6. Crane Park Nature Reserve !

    The river in Crane Park might have algae, moss, frogs, fish& mosquitoes.
    Bird => frog => mosquito=> fish=> plant-> sun.

    There might also be birds that eat the fish & frogs.
    Crane => Frog => Fly => smelly dog poo
    The habitat in the river is not the place you want to live in. the surface of the water is very dirty.
    We went to Crane Park today and did very exciting activities there. River dipping and Mini Beast hunting.
    I found creatures that I did not expect to find like newt, huge beetles.
    I also found bull head fish, stone loach fish, fresh water shrimps and leeches in the stream.
    During our mini beast hunting I found wood lice, newt, beetle, earthworm, ants, dragon fly, butter fly, spider, harvestmen

    By Neha
