Friday, 29 June 2018

Year 4 Homework
Date set: 30.06.2018

Please write in your reading diary when you have read. You will have been allocated a Bug Club book to read at home, which will be different to the one that you are reading in school. Check with your teacher if you are not sure which one is which. Don’t forget to answer the ‘bugs’- look out for them on each page! Please don’t “close” the book until all the bugs have been answered.
Maths (20mins):
This week we have been looking at time and changing 12 hour into 24 hour times. You have been set work on Mathletics to help you to practise this.
Please also practise your times tables and division facts up to 12x12.
Next week you will be writing your own list poems based on the poem at the end of school assembly. Write a list poem of you own and post it on the blog. (See example below)
I write my shopping-list in rhyme.
It doesn’t take me too much time,
and always helps me to remember.
(I’ve been doing it since last September.)

Wholemeal bread
low-fat spread
strawberry jam
dry-cured ham
Cheddar cheese
frozen peas
free-range eggs
chicken legs
grape jelly
pork belly
lamb chops
lemon drops
fillet steak
chocolate cake
cookie mix
seafood sticks
tortilla chips
salsa dips
instant coffee
treacle toffee
dried sultanas
ripe bananas
runner beans
a bunch of greens
new potatoes
vine tomatoes
and (really urgent)
liquid detergent.

That’s my shopping-list in verse.
Not very good? Could have been worse!

Paul Hansford            
Spellings (20mins)
These should be practised for a short time each day, using the words given in sentences.
You need to:
 • look at each word
• say the word
• copy the word in first space
• cover the words and try to write it from memory
• check to see if they are right
Over the next few weeks, we will be revising words from the National Curriculum spelling list for Year 3 and 4. As these are words that you all need to know, there will only be one spelling list.

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again












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