Monday 6 March 2017

Year 4 Homework
Date set: 3.3.17
Date Due in: 10.3.17
Reading (every day):
Please write in your reading diary when you have read.
You will have been allocated a Bug Club book to read at home, which will be different to the one that you are reading in school. Check with your teacher if you are not sure which one is which. Don’t forget to answer the ‘bugs’- look out for them on each page!

Maths (20mins):
Our topic this week is time. We have been looking at converting between analogue and digital time, converting from 12 and 24 hour time, calculating elapsed time and using timetables.
Maths work will be posted on Mathletics. If you have any problems accessing this work please speak to the teacher for a paper copy.
Please also practise your times tables. This week I need to practise my _____ x tables.

Literacy (20mins):
For our book week topic we have been looking at the book ‘Flotsam’. In the story some mysterious photographs are found by a boy on the beach. There are lots of unusual pictures of creatures underwater such as mechanical fish, an octopus sitting on a sofa and a turtle with a whole city on its back. As part of our story writing this week, we have focused on using expanded noun phrases with a preposition. For your homework, imagine or draw your own underwater scene and then write a paragraph on the blog describing what’s in the scene that you have created. Remember to use expanded noun phrases. Choose your adjectives carefully-try to use some that nobody else will use!
Minimum 100 words.

Spellings (20mins):

This week your spellings all contain the ph and wh sounds. Look up the meanings and try to use them in a sentence.

Group 1

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again










Group 2

Copy and cover
Write and check
Write again













  1. The black and grey, shining pig-dinosaur-shark fish shone out in the darkness at the bottom of the sea with a huge golden sparkly castle on her beautiful glittery back and a wide, big dark sun hanging off the end of her tail. She sat on a rusty, old chair with little feathers slipping, like a dolphin on the sand out of the case. Her room was in the shape of a TV, the ones that look like the widest whale in the world.
    The jelly-like over reach of her mouth drooped down wherever she walked like a weeping willow tree. Her family lounged around all day watching their numerous TV’s at the same time! While having a party. Her forehead was as bald as a slimy, slithering eel but her body was as hairy as a poodle. The family like to play games their favourite game is ‘who can eat the most of the biggest tree ever’ they also like to play knock down the sandcastle.

  2. For my photo there will be a stupendous, enormous marathon of Atlantis 2017 the phenomenal fish will run as fast as their legs could go with gallons of pit stops in the golden beaming sand with a truly mind-blowing stadium the size of an elephant. These enthusiastic fish need to run an amazing 30km distance (longer than stadiums we have in Britain). The photo is so imaginary and majestic!
    My other photo is astonishing, it is the world’s first shark slayer it is an ordinary fish instead of being eaten by a shark. He is the one who eats the shark with its blood-thirsty eyes which takes him 2 seconds to eat a shark. This may look cute and cuddly on the outside but on the inside it’s a devilish trouble-maker.

  3. I have chosen a Shark is making friends and helping others. There are 465 known species of sharks. Sharks belong to a family of fish that have skeletons made of cartilage. sharks have sharp teeth. sharks eat fish,crustaceans,mollusks,plankton,krill,marine mammals and other sharks. Sharks live deep under water.
    As we all know that sharks eat other fishes and mammals in water but I have created imaginary shark who loves to make friends and helps other fishes in the sea. This shark loves to share food, defending other sea animals and enjoining dance with other sea Animals.

  4. A humongous,stupendous,mysterious,Unknown,lazy starfish is the size of a great white shark,lay on the bottom of the shiny,blue sea.In front of the starfish was a killer-whale the size of a rhinoceros eating coral,sharks,and female humans.The starfish and the killer whale,both were squirting ketchup and mayonnaise as hot as molten,melted,burning lava.There were even termites the size of huge country's eating: whales,computers,and coral.There were also leeches as tall as Ifle tower and as wide as a whale.There were also octopuses with:slimey,disgusting,Black,spotty tentacles, they ate an Extremley wide and tall sandwich with:two hammerheads,five pufferfish,three sharks and one huge killer whale.

  5. Violet saw these amazing pictures and gasped as she was look at the pictures she was curious about them so she went to the film developed and got it developed when she went thee she gave it to her and said "Hi can you developed it for me please?"(violet)
    "yes i can but,you will have to wait 2 minutes?"(film developer)
    "yes i can"(violet)
    So violet rushed homes as the shiny yellow photographs were in her smooth hands she looked at it and saw;starfish the size of a elephants tummy,octopuses tunning into grabs fish as tiny as a mouse;mechanical fish flying through the air
